Hi, I’m Abigail!
I’m Abigail, an Entrepreneur, Designer, and Mental Health Expert. I'm the owner of a small group practice called Zyla Care. You can find me holding discussions on decolonizing mental health, and digital mental health, and exploring ways to bridge modern science and ancient shamanic practices.
As a therapist, I’m an integrative somatic therapist and specialize in Women’s Mental Health.
As an Entrepreneur and Designer, I've received awards in both arenas and currently pour all my marketing and design skills into my business.
When I'm not supporting clients I’m enjoying precious moments with my family and dog, reading tarot, and seeking refuge in nature.
Therapists! Your Recipe To a Full, Private Pay, Practice.
All private pay, no insurance, with only clients you love.
“I found Abigail a strategic, creative thinker, an excellent communicator, and a thorough executer of projects/programs. I have been particularly impressed by her ability to connect deeply with people while being result-oriented in quickly finding the best possible solutions.”
- Mei-Yan, PhD., Learning & Culture Strategist.